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All Posts in Category: Uncategorized

Support Groups

Support Groups

Support groups show that we are not alone in our struggles and that we can find wonderful people that have also managed personal problems before. Through working alongside others, we see that our pain is not limited to us and we can learn to accept and provide support.

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Self-Confidence Personal Growth

Self-Confidence and Personal Growth

Self-Confidence and Personal Growth – Some of the most important elements to achieving a happier and healthier life includes having high self-esteem and self-confidence. Our goals, ambitions, and decisions are driven by our self-esteem. It is a key topic among our programs at CARRY and one that is frequently highlighted upon.

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Supporting Violence Prevention

Supporting Violence Prevention Efforts

Violence in the Los Angeles is an issue of public health as well as criminal justice. It demands a coalition and support system that uses a comprehensive approach to treating the root causes of violence. We must come together to collectively evaluate our options for approaching violence in Los Angeles and the world beyond.

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